I decided my Twitter account had gotten out of control and had heard about others doing some house cleaning of their twitter accounts. I decided to look into it. Here is my problem. I setup an auto follow tool some time ago, and can't remember where I had done it. My follower list was over 3k people and my twitter timeline was useless. Here is what I did.
- Cancel AutoFollow - Since I couldn't remember which service was doing my auto-follow for me, and this is what created the bulk of my problem, I decided to just change my password. Once I did this, I had to go back to the tools I was using like hootsuite and tweetdeck and give them my new password.
- Purge my Twitter Follow List - I used a free service called UnFollowAll to purge out my follower list. I had to run the tool several times to get it all done. But you can't beat the price. I have heard others paying $25 for this service.
- Purge my Twitter In Box - The other problem with AutoFollow is your inbox can quickly get filled up, I used a free bookmarklet called DM Whacker to clean out my inbox and sent mailboxes. With over 800 messages this would have taken me a while to do by hand.
Now I have a fresh twitter account and can begin to follow the people whose tweets I really want to see. I still see all the messages that include @adamviener in the messages, so if you think I really should be following you, hit me up that way!
See you on Twitter!
Aren't you worried that twitter might ban your account? They seem to hold higher weight on massive un-following than following. Was this the same tool that Johnchow and shoemoney used by any chance?
Posted by: Chad | Dec 07, 2009 at 11:17 AM
I hadn't even considered if Twitter would ban me for not following people and I wasn't aware of Johnchow's or Shoemoney's experience. What happened with them?
Posted by: Adam | Dec 07, 2009 at 11:44 AM
Nothing happened to either of them and they did big purges on their twitter accounts that's why I was wondering if you used the same tool. I do know people who have been banned for doing massive un-follows though.
I've been wanting to clean out my main account with the 30,000 followers and its way to hard to follow the folks I want to anymore.
looks like you are OK at the moment, I'll wait a bit and see how your accounts goes before I make the leap...:)
Posted by: Chad | Dec 07, 2009 at 03:08 PM
I appear to be ok. I used Unfollowall.com, I don't know what the other's used. I did hear that JoelComm used a service for $25. Unfollowall.com was free, but took me several runs to delete 3k, so it might take a bit longer for you. It might be with the $25.
Posted by: Adam | Dec 07, 2009 at 05:54 PM
I started off with Twitter the same way and I was following everyone who followed me. Finally I just lost interest in the account. I think I need to do this same exercise. Thanks for the resources. I’ll follow you again once I’m down to zero. BTW I’m cashlash on twitter
Posted by: Zapette | Feb 02, 2010 at 04:35 PM
I opened an account with Twitter but never followed it. I think I will return and explore.
Posted by: KellyJ | Apr 21, 2010 at 08:55 PM