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Dec 03, 2009



Aren't you worried that twitter might ban your account? They seem to hold higher weight on massive un-following than following. Was this the same tool that Johnchow and shoemoney used by any chance?


I hadn't even considered if Twitter would ban me for not following people and I wasn't aware of Johnchow's or Shoemoney's experience. What happened with them?



Nothing happened to either of them and they did big purges on their twitter accounts that's why I was wondering if you used the same tool. I do know people who have been banned for doing massive un-follows though.

I've been wanting to clean out my main account with the 30,000 followers and its way to hard to follow the folks I want to anymore.

looks like you are OK at the moment, I'll wait a bit and see how your accounts goes before I make the leap...:)


I appear to be ok. I used Unfollowall.com, I don't know what the other's used. I did hear that JoelComm used a service for $25. Unfollowall.com was free, but took me several runs to delete 3k, so it might take a bit longer for you. It might be with the $25.


I started off with Twitter the same way and I was following everyone who followed me. Finally I just lost interest in the account. I think I need to do this same exercise. Thanks for the resources. I’ll follow you again once I’m down to zero. BTW I’m cashlash on twitter


I opened an account with Twitter but never followed it. I think I will return and explore.

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