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May 13, 2010



Adam great post...Oh sure they could step up and get those big players on board if they knew what to do! One of the problems is the publisher/affiliate managers at these cpa networks aren't very good or effective at relationship building and bonding with pubs. They take a "means to an end" approach which usually isn't very effective. Also a lot of "offers" don't convert as well as they could and the publish is sending traffic somewhere with poor conversion rates, which is never ideal. Brands tend to perform better which is desirable. I think brands are important to cpa networks but they will never really attain them because of NO publisher transparency which larger brands don't like, little fraud prevention and pub screening, and the majority of traffic is email marketing generated which a lot of brands aren't looking for.

Adam Viener


I agree with what you are saying. I think at this point in the industry life cycle, it's going to be about more than "wooing" top affiliates, I think strategic acquisitions and consolation are going to be more important.

As far as Brand goes, I think there is a big difference between CPA networks trying to create a brand for themselves vs attracting big brand advertisers. I think they need to be able to differentiate themselves enough to be able to win big brand advertiser relationships in order to create a brand for themselves.


Affiliate Management

Ya sure, it's hard to look unique out there these days. I think the competition is good. I try to stay out of it lol for the most part although I have a lot of friends at the networks, I stick to the "major" networks where it's more controllable...

meryem sahin

u re right ! it is very hard to find unique


It is all about the industry you are in. Try to look at competitors and focus on your specific industry.

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